Simply put, a facilitator helps a group of people work together better by creating an open and level playing field for discussion, addressing potential obstacles which may be visible or partially visible and ultimately securing alignment to objectives and direction.
One of the attributes you might seek in bringing in a facilitator is that they are NEUTRAL in the process.
Here is our take on facilitation—We are NOT NEUTRAL On Purpose!
Now you might be immediately thinking that we are biased or only aligned with the individual/organization that hires us right?
Not true—not even close
We are fervent believers in a Co-Creative Facilitation process so WE:
In a group setting they may look similar at times!
Facilitation engagements, however, are often shorter term than what we typically would call a Leadership Journey where we are coaching the evolution of an intact team (often at the executive leadership level) over a period to time as they transition or transform their culture, talent bench, leadership skills, strategy and performance to new levels.
In Leadership Journeys we are coaching the growth potential of both the individuals and the team as an entity on multiple levels. This is more of an intimate, longer-term relationship.
We often find (3) Entry Points where Facilitation Needs Exist
In these situations, you may have smart and experienced players around the table that have interpersonal issues or opportunities for learning how to play their roles differently in the environment you are creating.
Here the opportunity is to clear the air productively, provide what we call “carefrontational” feedback, align on a new set of engagement practices and skill build in targeted gap areas where necessary.
The on-boarding and transition process for a team or organization can be a positive game changer or a prolonged experience that can be frustrating.
By taking the opportunity to facilitate an on-boarding session and chart a transition course together regarding how you want to stop, start or continue the behaviors and practices that were guiding the team under previous leadership you are likely to unleash a significant amount of energy and productivity.
Here the opportunity is to ensure that the team understands how to structure and explore the strategic planning or high impact decision making process with tools and skills. Our role could be to provide the educational background, process facilitation and assist in the productive debate that results from socializing the different ideas/possibilities that are often associated with high intensity initiatives and senior executives with passionate energy.
We suggest reaching out and engaging in an exploratory conversation to understand the challenges and opportunities you are facing.
We will ask a series of questions to help target where facilitation might make sense or make an alternative suggestion if appropriate.
Occasionally, we find that sequencing the facilitation services might require a precursor step to ensure readiness. We can share with you our insights and advice so you can consider how best to proceed based on the context of your team/organization.
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