Leading in a hybrid workplace will require structure and discipline! We have the tools and capabilities to accelerate your success of building both your CULTURE and TALENT Bench!
Over 50% of the workforce is “remote-capable” meaning they could effectively work remotely in their roles
If no remote work options were offered by a current employer—54% of workers working exclusively from home would look for another job—-38% of Hybrid workers said same
Top Reasons for work location preference:
Avoid Commute
Better for overall Well-Being
I need flexibility for family or other obligations
The option to work in person with co-workers
I feel more productive and connected to my organization
There is a NEW “Will of the Workplace”
4 in 10 want to work 2-3 days in office; 3 in 10 want less than 2 days/week in office
4 in 10 want complete autonomy; 6 in 10 want some structure on days in office
Microsoft 2022 World Trends Index (N=31,000)
Jobs that offered a “remote option” 1 in 67 in 2020;today 1 in 7
The big question—Why are we going back to the office—what is the value of the physical space?
HBR Article—What great Hybrid Cultures do differently (Stainer and Li)
Treat everyone as REMOTE (whether in office or not—level playing field)
Shift to ASYCHRONOUS communication vs. synchronous—record or write messages vs. live (time zones issues)—have questions forwarded in advance
Use technology to produce artefacts—recorded zoom calls; transcripts
Make communication boundaries clear—how long to respond to chats? Emails? Agree on working hours—this can eliminate interruptions/disruptions. Spontaneous is thought to be good—only if it’s not disruptive
MBO Partners 2021 Survey among nearly 7,000 US Workers
68% of independent workers stated they felt more secure working independently (up from 32% in 2011; 53% in 2019)
In 2021 the number of independent workers grew sharply up 34% to 51.1M from 38.2M in 2020
87% are Happier on their own
78% are Healthier on their own
Leadership is a BEING state not a DOING state! Why has our Well-Being taken so long to make it onto the Leadership Agenda? WELL one thing’s for sure---It’s here to STAY! Our programs are integrated and holistic! There is no “work you” and “home you”----JUST YOU!
GALLUP February 2022---15,000 full and part time workers
Percentage of employers who care about employee Well-Being PLUMMETS!
Fewer than 1 in 4 employees feel their employer cares about their well-being—lowest in nearly a decade
In 2014 equally low–pandemic caused it to double reaching a high of 49% and now as pandemic eases it is plummeting back to previous levels
Employees who feel an employer cares about their well-being are 69% less likely to look for a new job
Blended work and life now more important; employee well-being matters more than ever to both resiliency of employees and their organizations
Additional benefits of employers caring about well-being
71% less likely to experience a lot of burnout
5X more likely to Advocate for their organization as a place to work and that they trust the leadership
3X more likely to be engaged in work
39% more likely to thrive in their overall lives
In Gallup’s database—top organizations have more than 6 in 10 employees saying their company cares about their well-being 2-3X the national average
MBO Partners 2021 Survey among nearly 7,000 US Workers
87% of independent workers are Happier on their own
78% of independent workers are Healthier on their own
Upskilling + Reskilling
The new work requirements for all roles---be a lifetime learner! If you are not upskilling and re-skilling you are falling behind! Want to surge ahead---UPSKILL early and often---YES before you need to apply the skill----ACQUIRE and practice it! Our programs will set you up for current and continuous success here!
By 2025 50% of the workforce will require re-skilling
Deloitte 2019 Human Capital Trends Report
Re-skilling an internal candidate costs 1/6 compared with hiring or training an external candidate
LinkedIn 2021 Workplace Learning Report
91% of companies; 81% of employees claim that upskilling and re-skilling boosted productivity levels
51% of Learning and Development professionals had plans to launch upskilling programs in 2020—a few months after pandemic hit—that number jumped another 15%
McKinsey 2021 N=898---How to address Capability Gaps
53% Building skills of existing employees
23% External hires
20% Redeploying employees
6% Contracting
Generational Dynamics
Hey Boomer and Gen X leaders---are you in touch with how critical your learning programs are to your talent bench right now? Seriously, you can be a Rockstar or a Rock with your approach here. We can help you be a TALENT MAGNET, build stronger leaders and secure longer-term retention! Interested?
Deloitte 2019 Human Capital Trends Report
94% of Millennials would stay with a company longer if they invested more in their learning and development
LinkedIn 2021 Workplace Learning Report
GEN Z watched 50% more video hours per learner in 2020
GEN Z values personal learning paths more than any other generation
Microsoft 2022 Trends Index (N=31,000)
Nearly 50% of Millennials, Gen Z and workers in general are ready to do work in the METAVERSE!
Leadership Talent Bench
Leaders are not born—they are MADE! And a Talent bench that is not aggressively INVESTED IN will be a LIABILITY for you! Your actions have consequences—we can give you CHOICES on how to invest in your Leadership POTENTIAL and transform it into Performance!
Companies fail to choose right candidate with right talent 82% of the time
Managers account for at least 70% of the variance in employee engagement across business units
ONLY 1 in 10 people possess the talent to manage (the right individual engages; creates a great culture; retains top performers)
ONLY 2 in 10 exhibit some of the characteristics and can function at a high level of management with coaching and development
Create a compelling vision that motivates employees to take action
Use Assertiveness to drive outcomes and overcome adversity as well as resistance
Create a clear culture of Accountability
Build Relationships—mainly through Trust and Transparency
Make decisions based on productivity NOT politics
Source: McKinsey
$160,000—extra annual cost for managing JUST ONE NASTY Leader
Skip Pritchard BLOG
50% of new executives fail within 18 months
CEB Research
Executive failure happens 5-7 times for every 10 executive hires
Why? Cultural alignment #1 Reason
CEO Magazine
The cost of a failed CEO is roughly 3X their salary
The Leadershipforge.com
The cost of executive (non-ceo level) failure is 2.5X their salary
Microsoft 2022 World Trends Index (N=31,000)
Authors of survey “The past 2 years have taught us that CULTURE will stand or fall with Managers”