We can get it all done, just not at the same time!
The Facts
9 out of 10 individual contributors feel STRESSED at work!
2 biggest problems—finding time to get everything done; navigating organizational politics
Leaders need to help prioritize the time and efforts of their individual contributors—this is becoming one of the most pressing issues at every level of the organization
Our Approach
Our Customized Leadership Learning Journeys and Coaching Engagements help individuals find their voice, understand how to maximize both time and energy, build their personal power of influence and gain confidence in demonstrating VERITAS and GRAVITAS.
We create safe space environments where there is “nothing we cannot talk about” so barriers get knocked down and workflow accelerates!
Soft Skills you need to Stand Out in the Crowd!
The Facts
#1 Factor that makes a candidate stand out for a JOB—Their Interview PRESENCE (notable: last on list GPA/Grades)
50% of employers say candidates need to articulate their skills better
Most important SOFT skills employers want
Problem solving/critical thinking
2022 Global Report
Our Approach
Our Coaching Engagements start with a focus on learning to “Lead Yourself” which is the first step in creating your Leadership Practice! Your Voice, Your Presence and Your Impact matters! We also emphasize what we call the 2 Currencies of Leadership—Communication and Relationship Building! With these skills in your toolbox—your influence will begin to exponentially increase as an aspiring leader!
The skills and behaviors needed to Lead at the Team Level advances and escalates beyond just learning to Lead Yourself. In our Customized Leadership Learning Journeys and Coaching Engagements, we invest a significant amount of time on our signature model of Analytical Rigor. This is a structured roadmap for problem solving and decision making that will allow you to collaborate and tap into the collective skills and hardwiring of your teammates. It also is our most comprehensive model as it incorporates a full tool box of leadership skills that are invaluable at every level—including the CEO level!
The TRAP—most meetings are resulting in zero value!
The Facts
Greater than 50% of day is spent doing NON-Essential things
Time on strategy or planning ahead declined from 13% (2019) to 9% due to challenges of getting asynchronous teams together
Leaders are in REACTION MODE
More time in Coordination—-the number of meetings is up 70% (according to Reclaim.AI Inc, calendar app maker)—and up to 300% (according to various sources
Global Survey 10,624 Knowledge Workers 2021
Our Approach
Time and Energy Management skills is a big part of our Leading Yourself coaching approach. Without this you will not have the CAPACITY to advance in your career.
Virtual and Hybrid environments require MORE discipline in the time and energy management area not less—and without a clear understanding of what types of meetings there are and HOW MEETINGS can effectively work—many leaders and teams are just wasting what we call BLUE DOLLARS—people time and energy!
We can help you to understand the different types of meetings that CREATE or SUBTRACT value. The result will be better choices and the ability to use meetings to drive performance and productivity!
In our Organizational learning journey work we show leaders how your company is an integrated SYSTEM and how you need to not just prioritize—you also need to learn about the skills of sequencing and staging!
Culture is the experience of working with us “everywhere!”
The Facts
Post Covid—65% surveyed say culture has changed; 35% dramatically—–the Question is for the BETTER?
Remote and hybrid workers are more engaged
ENGAGEMENT not culture is most important
Building trust in leaders impacts organizational CULTURE
Important to ensure that your Vision/Strategy/Goals and progress are clear
Prioritize Frequent; transparent; relevant/sustainable communication
Build an employee listening strategy that helps you capture and act on feedback
Facilitate connection points that allow employees to see leaders as real people
Workplace Research 2022
Our Approach
Our Coaching Engagements start with a focus on learning to “Lead Yourself” which is the first step in creating your Leadership Practice! Your Voice, Your Presence and Your Impact matters! We also emphasize what we call the 2 Currencies of Leadership—Communication and Relationship Building! With these skills in your toolbox—your influence will begin to exponentially increase as an aspiring leader!
The skills and behaviors needed to Lead at the Team Level advances and escalates beyond just learning to Lead Yourself. In our Customized Leadership Learning Journeys and Coaching Engagements, we invest a significant amount of time on our signature model of Analytical Rigor. This is a structured roadmap for problem solving and decision making that will allow you to collaborate and tap into the collective skills and hardwiring of your teammates. It also is our most comprehensive model as it incorporates a full tool box of leadership skills that are invaluable at every level—including the CEO level!