
Relevant Research for Managers

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HIRING Yes! FILLING Skill gaps…Not quite!

The Facts

  • 9 out of 10 employers are struggling to fill positions because of skill gaps
  • 29% agree that the gap has increased vs. year ago
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2022 Global Report

Our Approach

  • Talent Skill building requires an investment in LEARNING. The benefit for those who do this well is twofold—First you will have the READINESS you need on the talent bench for when you need it. Second, you will enjoy strong levels of RETENTION you want to have with your talent because they will feel valued!
  • Mirror Time—Leaders are the reason there is a SKILL GAP—-a lack of time/$ investment in learning and development has left them vulnerable with respect to securing their future growth. The impact at a minimum is that they are going to pay MUCH more now in growing pains and dollars!
  • Our customized Leadership Learning Journeys are designed to ACCELERATE skill-building at 3 levels — Leading Yourself, Leading Teams, and Leading Organizations.
  • We partner with you to build a COLLABORATIVE community where Managers and Leaders talk about what they need, where their pain points are and how they can contribute more across the enterprise. Saying what needs to be said, clearing the air, building healthier relationships and getting in a position to CO-CREATE the future the together from a position of strength not STRUGGLE is our goal!
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Managers see their Leadership as OUT OF TOUCH!

The Facts

  • 74% of managers say they do not have the influence or resources they need to make the needed changes on behalf of their teams
  • 54% of Managers feel their Leadership is out of touch with employees
  • Employees with managers who are actively engaged in their on-boarding are 3X more satisfied
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Work Trends 2022 Research

Our Approach

  • Our Leadership Learning Journeys are designed to ACCELERATE skill building at the levels of Leading Yourself, Leading Teams and Leading at the Organizational Level. As you advance in your career the skills and capabilities that are required escalate.
  • We create a safe space environment while partnering with you to build a COLLABORATIVE community EXPERIENCE where Managers and Leaders have an open forum to say what needs to be said. Our belief is that “there is nothing we cannot talk about.” So we help you to clear the air, build healthier relationships by exchanging what we call CAREFRONTATIONAL FEEDBACK and get you in a position to CO-CREATE the future the together from a position of strength not STRUGGLE!
  • We will work with you to uncover Blind Spots AND openly discuss the RISKS + Consequences of turning a BLIND EYE on critical issues which is often at the HEART of many leadership challenges.
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Leadership Pool Shallow—Companies Deep Trouble

The Facts

  • Only 1 in 10 people have the skills to lead
  • Companies fail 82% of the time in selecting an appropriate candidate for a leadership Role

Work Trend 2022 Research

Our Approach

  • Leadership can be learned if you are willing to do the work!
  • We believe that our Leadership Learning Journeys and Coaching Engagements can provide you with a roadmap with an X factor where you can 3X, 5X and potentially 10X your candidate pool for leadership over multiple generations—Let us show you how!
  • Many leaders are surprisingly not clear about what the role of a leader actually is! They may have been trained by others and merely imitate what they see (the good, the bad and the ugly). Once engaged in our program and enlightened into what being a leader is really about — many are inspired, excited and want to actively play their role at a higher level.
  • Talent is a constraining resource for your future growth. You can’t afford to have leadership gaps and not accelerate the skill building of your future bench. Everyone deserves inspiring leadership. If you don’t provide it—chances are your talent will look elsewhere for it!
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Want people in the office—get rid of the jerks!

The Facts

  • People join cultures and leave BOSSES!
  • There is less tolerance today for a Jerky boss—if a leader does not have the soft skills and Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Talent will not stay—there are just too many other better choices!
  • While Jerk behavior is on a “scale” what is clear is the increasing empowerment of workers to ‘call out’ bad behaviors from managers
  • Technical skills have been overemphasized in the last 2 decades—the gap in social/emotional skills is concerning and this required Leadership Development!
  • Many workplaces are adopting a “no assholes rule” and are living by it by terminating those who do not have the ability to inspire, collaborate and build trust!
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No More Jerks—THE FACTS

Our Approach

  • We build confidence and competence in providing carefrontational feedback so people can share how others behaviors lands or impacts them—and we help leaders understand how vulnerability is a strength…and when they land poorly they should apologize
  • We explore the dynamics of POWER and how personal power needs to be strengthened and leveraged
  • We build leadership journey’s where expectations for behaviors are clear so teams can create the new dynamics they want while ELIMINATING what they previously TOLERATED!
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Managers need to be ROCKSTARS not ROCKS!

The Facts

  • A Famous Breakthrough piece of research involved a meta-analysis of 100 MILLION employee interviews. It showed that a full 70% variance between the highest engaged teams and the persistently disengaged teams is JUST THE MANAGER! If you are not focusing on and building the skill sets of your Managers you are putting your culture at risk for significantly underperforming!
  • Senior leaders believe engaging and inspiring their teams is the greatest weakness among first level managers
  • 40% of managers love their role yet they admittedly struggle with complexity, ambiguity and working with Senior Leaders; 20% regret taking role; 40% have doubts about their roles though they mostly enjoy it.
  • Most critical skills managers will need in next 3 years—cultural curiosity; 360 degree thinking; digital literacy; leading virtual teams—all have low development focus right now
  • Organizations with strong collective leadership are 5X more likely to have a strong leadership bench and 2X higher engaged leaders
  • 60% of New Managers fail within first 24 months
  • Managers STRUGGLE with COACHING SKILLS (and senior leaders, direct reports and the MANAGERS ALL AGREE)!!!
    • Direct reports say performance conversations are positive experiences but want more direct COACHING FOR IMPROVEMENT
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Our Approach

  • Our leadership learning journeys and coaching engagements focus on building Consciously Competent and Change-Ready leaders—the skills and behaviors required to lead in today’s VUCA world to get the work done while ALSO building the TALENT bench for the future
  • Our programs are structured and have RHYTHM—which allows us to maximize engagement, interaction and learning collaboratively—-the relationships evolve; the team evolves and the community BUILDS TOGETHER—-the SILOS naturally come down (most teams and organizations want to eliminate silos—they just don’t know how to!)
  • Our Leadership Learning journeys start AT THE TOP OF THE HOUSE with the executive leadership team—-so we generate alignment and support for the broad based programs we are co-creating with our clients—the result is they are cohesive and the team sees, hears and feels it—-culture changes when leaders are aligned
  • We encourage the tough CHOICES—-we believe leadership can be learned—the critical element is whether the individuals are “WILLING TO DO THE WORK”……we believe in eliminating Talent BLOCKERS IF they are not progressing quickly enough or there is a risk of downstream talent loss—we help leaders overcome loyalty blind spots and focus on performance (results and behaviors).
  • We also challenge leaders to take accountability for where they have a TURNED A BLIND EYE and not addressed a real need that is causing a PAIN POINT in their team or culture
  • WE help leaders understand the CONSTRAINTS for their growth, performance and productivity. They often come to realize that they have the WRONG TALENT in the WRONG SEATS blocking what needs to happen. Based on a combination of a lack of skills; lack of desire or lack of awareness—-SENIOR leaders need to own the TALENT selection process more and act on behalf of what will unlock performance and productivity—not preserve long standing relationships or align with the politics (this is especially true in private/family businesses)
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Leaders Need One a Day—Not an Apple or Vitamin!

The Facts

  • Time is #1 barrier that hold people back from learning
  • Employees who spend over 5 hours per week learning are more likely to know where they want to go with their careers, find greater purpose and feel less stressed
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2019 Research

Our Approach

  • We help leaders learn how to INTEGRATE leadership learning and practice into their everyday activities—-OTG (on the ground) and IRT (in real time) where it matters
  • In Leadership application is everything—-in business execution is everything
  • Crossing the Knowing-Doing GAP—-acquiring the learning and then TAKING ACTION
  • Most leaders love to acquire learning—–without application nothing CHANGES